About Thrive4Kids

Thrive4Kids offers mindfulness programming and playgroup for children and teens! We are committed to supporting mindfulness development in children and teens because we know that healthier, spirited youth make happier, wholesome adults. Thrive4Kids implements a variety of mindfulness-based curricula to encourage creativity, social-emotional learning, and confidence in each student. We encourage the development self awareness, body management, and interpersonal skills that are beneficial in navigating and coping with life’s inevitable stressors. We are grateful to welcome our community’s youth to the studio to be immersed in a conscious, nourishing environment.

How does it work?

Thrive4Kids evolved from our weekly kids mindfulness classes; we realized that we could help Crested Butte children and teens, AND support parents by broadening our offerings. Our variety of formats include multiple age ranges and the programming for each group is tailored to fit its developmental stage and interests. The ratio of children to adults is very small and though we are not a daycare, we are following similar guidelines so that the kids are safe. Thrive4Kids is a drop-in format therefore we do not require a long-term commitment. As long as the spots are available, you can sign up for as little or as many days as you need.


For more information contact flowingwithgratitude@gmail.com

If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.

Dalai Lama

Pick a date!

Yoga for the Kiddos!

Kids Yoga Party!

4:00 – 8:00pm
1st Child: $75.00
Additional Children: $50.00

Parents: it’s time for a date night. Your kids are invited to join us for an evening of pizza, games, movement and more!


Afterschool Mindfulness Series

4:00 – 5:00pm
Optional 3:35pm community school pickup

Frequently Asked Questions

Thrive Yoga Crested Butte Live a meaningful, joyful life with Thrive Yoga


All of our classes are open to all levels!


Passes, Memberships
and Gift Cards


We take care of the Individual and the Collective.
We Normalize Making Healthy Decisions

Workshops & Events

We offer a veriety of yoga and wellness workshops

Class Styles

Find the classes
that fit your needs


We look forward to
hearing form you!


326 Elk Ave, Crested Butte CO


info@thriveyogacb.com | 970-596-6667

Your Empathy Transforms Lives.


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Morbi at pretium ex. Fusce tempus risus.


Morbi at pretium ex. Fusce tempus risus.


Morbi at pretium ex. Fusce tempus risus.


571 Saratoga Rd, Schenectady, New York


help@charity.com | (518) 399-1901